3 Tips to Optimize Your Business Instagram Account

3 Tips to Optimize Your Business Instagram Account
Your free time is most likely spent with you browsing your Instagram. Then perhaps, you’re just looking through different fashion tips, some cat videos, or maybe you’re just checking out a friend’s getaway from last week. But regardless of the reason, it's without a doubt that people nowadays loll around through their mobile phones during their free time. 

And if you’re a business owner, you can leverage this to improve your social media presence generate traffic. Knowing that most of your customers can interact with your Instagram account is important since each interaction is an opportunity to make sales.  

Using Instagram for your business is a widely-used tactic, but not everyone can enjoy its perks. With the extremely saturated social media market, the competition might be tight. Some use an Instagram growth service to increase their followers, while others deploy other gimmicks to convert traffic to sales.  

So, to get you started, here are three tips to optimize your business Instagram account:

Tip #1: Select A Proper Profile Picture
When it comes to Instagram, chances are, you’re well aware of how important profile pictures are. For one, they’re usually the ones (alongside your username) that pop up in the search box when users type something in it, and second, they serve as your business's first point of interaction with your customers. That’s why ensuring that your profile picture reflects your business is crucial. 

You have two options: you can make your company’s logo your profile picture, or you can use a headshot of yourself. The former is more suitable for businesses that usually have a relatively larger number of employees, while the latter is the sole proprietorship.  

Using your company’s logo is an easy way to reflect your company’s brand, which usually helps the customer identify your business from the get-go. Particularly, you can leverage this if you already have an established customer base. Or if you want your customers to know that your account is used for business purposes. It can also be a way to show them that your business is progressive by creating an inclusive logo design

On the other hand, using your headshot has its advantages. And if you’re the sole owner of the business, then using your picture is better than using your logo since it gives your business a more personal touch. It can be significantly powerful if your business is in line with life coaching, education, fashion, and among others since customers would usually prefer to talk to a human; instead of an online business. 
Tip #2: Your Bio, Your Story
After clicking on your account from the search results, the next thing your customers will see is your bio. Your account bio is necessary because aside from one of the earliest points of interaction, this is also the part where your customers can know more about your business. 

One of the trickiest parts of writing your profile’s bio is thinking about what information to include. Since the character cap is limited to 150, you must be brief and concise in filling out this part of your account. 

First off, be straightforward and only include the line of business that you do. If your business is in food, then only include which sector in the food industry you mostly cater into. Thus, overloading your bio with information can become a missed opportunity in talking to customers, especially if your bio is interesting enough for them to want to know more.  

Also, it is important to include hashtags in your bio that are unique to your business since this can generate a community and make the algorithm favour your account. You can include a call-to-action as well, but as of writing, Instagram has integrated action buttons that can already serve as your account’s Call To Action (CTA), so you may have to do that sparingly. 
Tip #3: Leave Them Wanting For More
After setting up and optimizing the fundamental parts of your Instagram account, the next thing to do is launch it. Launching it is easy, but maintaining and growing from that point onwards can be tricky but doable. So, how do you do this? 

You can start by leveraging your account stories and continue providing updates through it. Stories are different from posts; they are limited and will be gone in a day.

You can use this to your favour by posting frequently asked questions (FAQs) or polls, which can also be a fun way to interact with your users. Not only that, this can give off an impression that you’re a hands-owner—and well, nothing beats that! 

In addition, you can post teasers that can tickle your customers’ curiosity. You can usually do this whenever you’re about to launch a new product or when you’re going to have a promo soon enough. Customers love getting the best deals out of their money, and posting teasers can make them want more!

You can make it more interactive by incentivizing likes in exchange for coupons or discount codes, especially if you’re just starting to garner followers.

Final thoughts:
In the dynamic and fast-paced world of this day and age, social media accounts like Instagram make the world closer and smaller. Having said this, as a business owner, you wouldn’t want to be left behind. So, what are you waiting for? Start optimizing your account and become a social media rockstar!

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