Are Java and JavaScript the same

Are Java and JavaScript the same

How about a riddle on what looks like it but not what it looks like? We will come to that in a bit or perhaps answer with the topic of today’s post.

Java and JavaScript are both relevant names in the programming world. It is almost impossible to avoid the mistake of thinking that Java is simply a shortened version of JavaScript. 

In truth, though there is some overlap, these two languages function very differently. 

So, what makes them different, and what similarities do they have? This and more will I be telling you in this post today.

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Are Java and JavaScript the same?

No, they are different. Java is an Object-Oriented Program [OOP], while JavaScript is a programming script language.

While Java must be compiled, JavaScript is written in text and then interpreted.

Is Java and JavaScript Object-Oriented Language?

To start with, Java and JavaScript are both an OOP, so we can say they share something in common. 

While Java necessitates using objects throughout the codebase, JavaScript is considerably for simple linear programming without using objects. Both languages may allow inheritance and polymorphism – which are the main ingredients of an Object-Oriented Design.

Do I need to learn Java before JavaScript?

No, it is not required at all. Since JavaScript contains Java, it doesn't mean you have to go through Java first, neither is this determined by the syllable count for the compared words.

Again, you do not need to know Java to learn JavaScript. Despite their names, the two languages have very little in common and are from different areas of development. 

You can learn either language first but learning Java is not a prerequisite to picking up JavaScript in Web development.

In summary, while both terms might be identified as Object-Oriented languages, and share other similar features, Java and JavaScript are two different fields in web design and development. 

It is pertinent to review, identify which cuts it, likewise get acquainted with the OOP.

I hope you learned a thing or two from here? 

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