How to use Google My Business for SEO

How to use Google My Business for SEO
Growing up, I remember several times I had been asked “what are those things you can't do without” or more funny scenarios as "if you suddenly find yourself in a desert and a Djene grants you 3 wishes for your survival, what would they be"? Another is if you are to stay alone in the house for a certain period [insert duration] without anyone and you just have 3 requests for survival, what would they be?  

Perhaps, you had come across similar questions for gags before and so you can relate. while I was careful enough to answer those things then based on my level of intelligence, priorities, and whatever morals or things I considered ideal; I bet if you ask me now, I would have a different response than those I had earlier stated. 

If I am to throw that trend of question to a business owner right now with a little twist, you may choose to waste the other two vital tools you need, however, please ensure the 1st tool to take as a priority [that is the question] must be: the deployment of SEO for your business. 
What is SEO? 

SEO [Search Engine Optimization] is the digital path to increasing the quality and quantity of organic traffic to your website and increasing ranking on search engines such that your content gets higher chances of visibility than the norm. 

In this article, we shall be looking at SEO as a tool to enhance digital businesses, and how Google My Business is an SEO to be considered always. 

Search Engine Optimization is comprised of 3 unique determinants which are: 

This ensures that you have a constructive and definite path leading people of similar interest in your service/goods to your web address. Such that the user is not mistaking your type of service for another which in most cases births patronage or better yet visibility. 

Having sorted out that quality information had been carefully entered on your platform and does not confuse customers, but detailed and specific, you can rest assured that this would ripple to increase in traffic to your web address which hopefully should translate into sale/service. 

This one requires no paid advertisement or influencing but relies on the provided content from your platform. 
If you still happen to be considering who could help in creating the perfect awareness on your new business or you just seek to expand your visibility and therefore require SEO experts in Dubai, kindly reach out to The Watchtower - Web Design Agency Dubai; they are the best in this field. 

Is Google My Business an SEO? 
If you had carefully followed the paragraphs above, you can affirm that Google My Business is an SEO tool. Ok, let’s get down to it! 
How to maximize Google My Business for SEO. 

I’m sorry, you are unable to get from the will if you are not an heir. So, start right by opening a Google/Gmail account for the business name [it would be an edge if your business name is the same with email address] 

Visit Google My Business, sign in, Double check if your business name/location already exists, Enter Business name, choose a Business Category, Add Business location, provide contact details, Verify details. 

One of the things that increase ranking is the provision of content usually within 7 days. The study had shown that less than 20% of viewed web pages were updated within 7 days, while the larger percentage were detailed over 7 days. 

Kindly ensure qualitative data/content often; this could be in form of pictures, videos, or simply texts. 

Well, it's good enough we have the reviews there. It could be in your favor if the feedback/rating is good and fair enough if it is bad, at least you get to work on them while you respond accordingly. 

It would be advised that you imbibe perhaps the culture of dropping posts on the website often, in fact daily. With the introduction of certain keywords, you should be able to rank higher on related result pages. 

In conclusion, Google My Business is a necessity for any business owner to thrive, leveraging on the digital space and also a global brand like google. Get in line!

You can always rely on The Watchtower, the best and award-winning Website Development Company in Dubai, for more information on Google My Business, how to maximize Google My Business for SEO, SEO techniques, Windows and other Operating Systems, Website Development, Digital Marketing, and SEO.

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