What is Visual Thinking in Design Thinking?

What is Visual Thinking in Design Thinking?
Wishful thinking would have us says things like: if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. It is a conscious effect when one believes something to be true regardless of the evidence or without any proof at all, and in other scenarios when one assumes something isn't real because one doesn't want it to be true... at least to oneself. 

Almost similar, but varying, visual thinking centres on cogitation as a common act, however, their objects may differ. How about we make this explicit in this exciting read today, as we dwell on what visual thinking in design thinking is all about. 

Amazing content writing as this can only be brought to you by The Watchtower - Web Design Agency Dubai, an expert in Digital marketing. 

What is design thinking? 
Design thinking is a process used to represent cognitive, strategic, and practical processes by where conceptualized designs become developed. It is the non-linear, iterative process that leans on understanding users, challenging assumptions, redefining problems, and creating innovative solutions to prototype and test. 

One of the punchlines to this process is the ability to question the norm, and find a supposed lazier or easier way of doing things that wouldn’t be a selfish plot to you the thinker alone, but for other stakeholders. It's an interesting process all the way. 

What is visual thinking?
The concept of thinking through visual processing is known as visual thinking, visual or spatial learning, or image thinking. Seeing words as a succession of visuals has been defined as visual thinking.  

Perhaps you didn’t get that, let me further explain. Visual thinking would have you process information with the creative imagination of pictorial representation as against text, such that at the mention of a car, for example, there is a picture that comes to mind, at the mention of baby, there is a picture that comes to mind likewise. According to Wikipedia, this process has been seen to be applied by 60-65% of the general populace, this further confirms that it works. 

What is visual thinking style? 
Just as writing is to simply note message symbols, fonts are the styles you could go about it. Similarly, visual thinking style is the creative way of visually thinking as stated above. 

What are the 5 stages of design thinking? 
While design thinking evolves, perhaps strategic at some point, and on other feats spontaneous, 5 stages birth an outcome of design thinking. 

1. Empathy Stage
If there is a knack to create or design a solution, you cannot tell it best if you do not know how it feels out there. The place of empathy comes in from sampling the traditional process of the subject before one can eke out a solution. You have to feel it first before you can design or proffer a solution. 

2. Gathering Stage
This is the phase where one goes all out scouting for information, asking questions where necessary, or doing some observations around the core challenges without missing out on anything vital or intrinsic. You would probably hear or see attempts from others, and perhaps their shortfalls which can be of worthy note for your ideation phase. 

3. Ideation Stage
Now that you have done your research, here is the time to bring up that magic potion that makes things beautiful. The ideation stage involves you brainstorming, sampling a myriad of ideas and possible outcomes. Gather up ideas from the last person to the highest cadre of thought process, if necessary, just sample opinions. 

4. Sampling Stage
It is good enough that you’re all fired up with these amazing ideas on paper, or wherever you had them penned. a ship at the harbour is safe, but this isn't the reason why ships are built, right? Let's test them in the storm. The Sampling stage would have you experiment with the creative designs you have birth, running every bit of them in the best and worst condition sampling. 

5. Launch and Review Stage
Now that you have tested the designs, and done a pick for launch, you can set the ball rolling, however, this is where innovation is further created. Remember the beautiful ones are yet to be born, right? From this phase, you will observe some other things, perhaps a tweak here and there, and thus has to go back to any of the stages to include or remove, and then do it all over... it is an abyss of a creative journey. 

What are the three key concepts of design thinking? 
To solve a problem, one can grow creative capacity by simply focusing on three core design thinking principles, which are:  

1. Empathy. 
2. Expansive thinking. 
3. Experimentation. 

These share similar meanings with the provided Five stages of Design thinking. 
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