Writing a Perfect Essay in a Day Bring A Grade

Writing a Perfect Essay in a Day Bring A Grade
As a student at college, you may find it difficult to believe that you can write a perfect essay in a day. In fact, you may think it’s possible. You are right about this unless you follow some very specific steps that are known to work. For example, you can’t avoid spending some time on research, and you must come up with a good thesis. Here are some tips on how to write a perfect essay in a day that earns an “A” grade. 

Research: Take notes and pull quotes

The longer the time you spend researching and taking notes, the quicker the writing process will be. Always keep tabs on your sources, as going back to try and find them can take up unnecessary time. If they are all in a Google Doc, you can easily find them. Annotate them, so you know why you want to use them and know their context. 

Come up with a solid thesis

A prompt may provide you with a broad essay topic, but having a specific focus can help you to create an “A” grade essay. A specific focus narrows down the topic and makes it easier to follow a step-by-step process. Your thesis is like the backbone of your paper, so it is important for you to make sure it’s right. 

Having the formula to come up with a solid thesis will help you to save time. 

  1. Start with a claim or statement of fact. 
  2. Take a position and agree or disagree with the claim or statement. 
  3. Explain why this is significant and its effects.  

Use legit research paper writing services

A good writing website is the best resource for students to get help. Using a legit essay writing service means you have access to online research paper writers. They can create an essay for you in a quick time period that brings an “A” grade. A legit research paper writing service will screenwriters to make sure they have the academic background and experience to produce top-quality papers without plagiarizing. You can also learn from the essay examples you get and improve your writing skills. 

Create a guideline for your essay

Try to find an essay example with a format you like that could help to guide you. You can find such examples on websites that do essays for you. An example essay gives you a map that can prevent you from getting stuck or deviating from your argument. You can get ideas for sub-headings, how to do in-context quotes and much more. 

Use a paragraph formula

Having a formula for writing paragraphs in the body of your essay can save you time and energy. You can use certain elements in each paragraph. A paragraph may consist of the following:

  1. A topic sentence and its significance
  2. A quote
  3. Analyze and connect to your thesis
  4. A link to the next paragraph 
You don’t want every paragraph to sound the same, so you will need to change up your body paragraph formulas. You can play around with the elements and include all of them or only some. 

Use automation for citations

Reduce the time it takes to write citations by using a citation machine. When you use citation machines, you can still have fields missing. You need to scan through to see if there are any gaps you must fill in. Professional writers who work for a research paper service will often use a citation machine to create citations so they can produce great essays more speedily.

Do some quick editing

Running your essay through the Grammarly app will allow you to pick up most of your spelling and grammar mistakes. Using the Hemingway App can help you to shorten complex sentences and much more. It can help you to make sure your paper is readable and coherent. 

Reading your paper out loud will also help you to catch sentences that don’t flow, irrelevant words etc. Flow is essential in writing a good paper. When you read out loud, check whether your ideas are understandable, your paragraphs transition well, and you explain your position clearly. There are also websites to help with essays that will do your editing for you. 


The above tips for writing an essay in a day that receives an “A” grade can change your life as a student. You won’t waste time when you know exactly what to write and in what order. There will be no sitting until the early hours of the morning writing an essay that gets you a passing grade instead of an “A.” 

Author’s Bio

Stella Gary has always proven her worth as a writer with work that matches every standard in the academic writing format. She is skilled in using referencing tools, writing tools and a host of other software that enables her to research deeply. She then crafts essays and dissertations that help students in many ways, from using them as references to getting ideas to work on their own and write better papers.
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