Writing Hacks to Boost Your Blog Like Never Before

Writing Hacks to Boost Your Blog Like Never Before
Writing a blog post is easy. But, writing an amazing, engaging blog post that attracts new readers and keeps them coming back for more—that’s where it gets hard.

Luckily, there are some simple hacks and tips you can use to improve your posts and make them better—whether you’re blogging about food or fashion or finance or if you’re writing for a specific audience.

Writing is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you make your blog writing more engaging and effective.

1. Use an active voice in your writing.
2. Proofread before you publish
Use an online notepad.
4. Be consistent with your tone and voice.
5. Make sure the reader understands what you’re saying.
6. Make sure your sentences flow smoothly from one to another (this means using transition words).
7. Keep your posts short and sweet.
8. Don’t overuse links in your posts.
9. Whenever possible, use images.

Writing hacks to improve your blog writing

Now let’s briefly discuss each point to better understand what you need to do to improve your blog.

1. Use an active voice in your writing.
Active voice makes sentences stronger and more engaging, so it’s a good idea to go through your posts and swap out any passive verbs for active ones. For example, instead of saying, “The book was written by Jane,” say, “Jane wrote the book.”

When you use the active voice, you tell a story about what happened and who did what. It’s easier for readers to understand and remember what happened in an event when it’s written in the active voice because they don’t have to keep flipping back through their brains trying to figure out who did what first, or second, or third—it’s all right there in front of them.

2. Proofread before you publish.
It is immensely significant to proofread your content before publishing it. Try to review your write-up time and again. This will help you pinpoint any mistakes and correct them on time. Remember, if you publish your write-up without checking for potential errors, then it can deteriorate the quality of your writing and leave a bad impression on your readers.

3. Use an online notepad.
You are likely to make several mistakes when you write your first draft. In addition, other potential errors in your writing need to be rectified before you publish your blog.

A notepad editor online not just helps you with taking instant notes while you research, but it also helps you write flawless content. This is because it comes with a slew of extra features that help make your blog free from errors. You can use a rich text editor to set the proper format for your writing, increase or decrease text size, choose an appropriate font, and do a lot of other things.

Alt tag (best online notepad)

4. Be consistent with your tone and voice.
Make sure that when you’re writing about something, you don’t switch up your tone of voice—that is, don’t write one post in a serious tone and another post in a casual one. If you want to be taken seriously as an expert on your topic, then make sure that everyone who reads your content knows they can trust what you have to say.

Consistency is key when writing your blog posts so that your readers know exactly what they’re getting every time they click on one of your links: a fun, engaging read that makes them feel like they’re part of something bigger than just themselves.

5. Make sure the reader understands what you’re saying.
This one is pretty straightforward: if readers don’t understand what you’re trying to say, then they won’t enjoy reading it. So, make sure that there’s nothing unclear about the message of each paragraph-and don’t forget to use subheadings where necessary.

This can be tricky because if you’re using words or terms unfamiliar to most people reading them, it might throw off their understanding of your point altogether.

6. Make sure your sentences flow smoothly from one to another.
Another way of saying this: make sure there aren’t any unnecessary pauses or breaks. Your content should not sound inconsistent. Each paragraph and sentence should smoothly transit into the next one.

This way, your reader can maintain a good flow while reading your blog. If you use standalone sentences that do not connect, then it will cause your blog to sound inappropriate, which is not what you are looking to achieve.

Also, make sure to write engaging content. Statistics, quotes, and fun facts are all great ways to keep readers interested in what you’re saying.

7. Keep your posts short and sweet.
People have short attention spans, so you want to make sure that your content is easily digestible. Do it if you can say something in a sentence or two. If you need more than a few sentences, try breaking up the information into separate paragraphs.

8. Don’t overuse links in your posts.
It’s fine to include one or two links towards the end of a post where they serve as an addendum or additional information for the reader, but don’t overdo it. Otherwise, you risk distracting readers from your main points by making them click through multiple pages to get to their destination.

9. Whenever possible, use images.
They’re proven to be more engaging than plain text. Try to use relevant images in your text. However, make sure you do not use too many of them. For instance, up to four images should be enough for a blog post of one thousand words.

You can also use infographics and tablets to show statistics. This will add authenticity to your write-up.

Things you shouldn’t do

1. Don’t forget the basics.
We all know the basics, but it’s easy to forget them: spellcheck, proofread, double-check for typos. These are all important, so don’t skip them.

2. Don’t be afraid to get creative.
If you’re unsure how to start a blog post or what topics to write about, try going with something less conventional. You might find that your audience loves it.

3. Do take time to research your topic before writing your first draft.
You may have an idea of what you want to write about, but if you don’t have all the facts down pat before starting a blog post or article, it can lead to major problems down the line—and nobody likes having to go back and fix mistakes after they’ve already finished writing something.

4. Don’t be afraid of being wrong; it’s okay.
It’s hard not to want everything we say and do on our blogs to be perfect-but there are no perfect posts (not even this one). The best thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward without getting discouraged by them. This will help you grow as a writer and a person.


Blogging is a great way to get your voice heard and connect with people. But if you’re new to blogging, it can be tough to know where to start—especially if you’re unsure of what kind of blog you want to write.

That’s why we’ve put together some of the most useful tips for writing a blog, from how to come up with ideas and topics to finding ways to make your blog stand out. Following these guidelines should help improve your blogging and eventually make you a successful blogger in your niche.

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